Before the first public library opened on the Gold Coast in 1958, the communities’ reading and recreational needs were met by reading rooms in various Schools of Arts or subscription libraries across the region.
The development of public libraries on the Gold Coast occurred when the decision was made to replace the timber Southport School of Arts building in Nerang Street with a new brick structure. While the South Coast Town Council had been planning to start a library service for five years in response to an increasing awareness across Queensland of the value of public libraries, the impending change at the School of Arts resulted in Council taking action.
The School of Arts had been used by the Returned Servicemen’s League (RSL) as a Memorial Hall since 1932, however the land remained under the control of the Library Board of Queensland and the building included a reading room and library collection. The Library Board were willing to give the land to the RSL so they could proceed with constructing a new facility on the proviso that another public body took over the role of providing library services to the community.
In April 1957, the South Coast Town Council agreed to commence operating a public library service for the district. The RSL provided £1,000 towards a library and offered all of the book stock from the former School of Arts. In turn, Council built an extension behind the Southport Town Hall at a cost of over £30,000 and accepted the Library Board’s offer to purchase appropriate new stock on their behalf. By September 1957, it was reported that 980 books were ready with an additional 427 books on order.
In May 1957, Council placed advertisements in The South Coast Bulletin, Tweed and South Coast Daily and Courier Mail for the position of a librarian holding a Preliminary Certificate of the Library Association of Australia and/or the Library Association of Australia Registration Certificate. Practical experience in a recognised library was also required. In line with salary standards at the time, if the successful applicant were a man, he would receive £975 per year while a female librarian would receive £855. Advertisements for a female library assistant followed in February 1958.
- Library promotion, Southport Library, circa 1970s. Photographer unknown
- Gold Coast Mobile Library, 1994. Photographer unknown
- Mermaid Waters Library, circa 1988. Photographer unknown
- Coolangatta Library, circa 1960s. Photographer unknown.
On Wednesday 30 April 1958 the new library opened to the public, becoming the first municipal library for a region that would eventually encompass the Gold Coast City Council and the Albert Shire Council. While the Council had voted to change its name from the South Coast to the Gold Coast in a meeting held earlier in 1958 prior to the opening of the new facility, the library was initially known as the South Coast Library.
The library at Southport included a separate section for adults and children and membership was available to people who had lived on the Gold Coast for a minimum of six months. Provisional membership for non-permanent residents was also available. Each library member was issued with two library cards which allowed them to borrow one fiction and one non-fiction book at a time.
While making preparations for the new library, plans were also underway to extend the service with additional libraries in other parts of the region. In March 1957, the South Coast Women’s Organisation (SCWO) sought approval from Council to alter their rest rooms in Burleigh Heads to accommodate a library, but approval was delayed. In May 1957 the SCWO also approached Council with an offer to use the space under their building for the proposed library in Coolangatta. Council informed the SCWO that a library would be established in the Council Chambers in Coolangatta when finances permitted.
The Gold Coast Council began offering a library service at the southern end of the Coast when it opened a library in the Coolangatta Council Chambers in Griffith Street in 1961. The third library to be established was Burleigh Heads which was opened in 1967 by Mayor Ern Harley. Throughout the 1960s the three Gold Coast library branches had separate collections but, by 1970, the individual collections were merged with the books moving from one library to another.
Over the following years a Mobile Library (1974) and a Special Needs Library (1976) commenced. New libraries were opened at Palm Beach in 1978 (with extensions in 1989), Cascade Gardens in 1987 and Runaway Bay in 1991. An additional library was also located at Labrador State School on Imperial Parade between 1988 and 1992.
A central Technical Services department was based at the Council Depot on Meron Street, Southport and was responsible for a wide range of activities including selection, purchasing and cataloguing stock. Technical Services was relocated with the Council Depot when it moved to Baratta Street. In February 1982, the Gold Coast introduced the first public computers in their libraries.
In addition to upgrades to the Burleigh Heads Library in 1979 and 1991, the Coolangatta Library was relocated from its second location in Warner Street to the third floor of Foyster Mall in May 1989. The Southport Library was moved to Lawson Street in 1968 prior to relocating to the 8th floor of Australia Fair Shopping Centre in 1985 before opening on the corner of Garden and Lawson Streets in 2002.
The collection of local history materials held across the Gold Coast and Albert Shire libraries, and primarily concentrated in Nerang and Southport Libraries, were united with the opening of the Local Studies Library in the basement of Australia Fair Shopping Centre in March 1997 before being relocated to the corner of Garden and Lawson Streets with Southport Library in 2002.
- Mermaid Waters Library extension, 1993. Photographer unknown
- Storytime at Mudgeeraba Library, circa 1990s. Photographer unknown
- Canal Estates Library, 1979. Photographer unknown
- Burleigh Waters Library, 1991. Photographer unknown
While the first three libraries of the Gold Coast were in place by the end of the 1960s, the Albert Shire Council in the Hinterland had yet to establish a library service. Despite resolving to commence a library service in the preceding years, starting in Woodridge and Beenleigh before offering a mobile service, the Albert Shire had been unable to secure the necessary funds. This situation had changed by the 1970s when the Albert Shire began offering library services to the district.
Much like the Gold Coast twelve years earlier, once the Albert Shire committed to starting a public library service, additional libraries were added within a relatively short space of time. Advertisements for two librarians who either held, or were working towards, a Registration Certificate of the Library Association of Australia closed in November 1969 with advertisements for library assistants following in January 1970.
The Albert Shire started its library service on 11 February 1970 when they entered into an agreement with the Beenleigh Memorial School of Arts. The Albert Shire agreed to pay the School of Arts a weekly rent of $10 which included the use of the existing book stock and the room at the rear of the building known as the ‘room under the stairs’. The Albert Shire also agreed to cover the cost of lighting.
A few months later, on 20 April 1970, the Albert Shire opened a library at Woodridge in the former Commonwealth Bank of Australia building on Railway Parade before relocating the collection to Ewing Road in 1972 and eventually moving into a new building which saw the library co-located with the Albert Shire Council’s sub-office in 1975.
On 1 April 1974 the third Albert Shire library was opened when the Canal Estates Library in Monaco Street commenced operations. In late 1977, this library was relocated behind Pacific Fair Shopping Centre on the corner of Sunshine and Hooker Boulevards. It underwent a number of extensions and was renamed Mermaid Waters Library in 1983 before being renamed for a final time as Broadbeach Library in 2008. The third library opened by the Albert Shire was Springwood Library on 8 November 1975.
In early 1979 the decision was made to combine the library services provided by the Albert Shire with those offered by the Logan Shire Council. From 1 July 1979 the Albert and Logan Library Board was created and Loganlea Library started appearing alongside Beenleigh, Woodridge, Canals and Springwood in reports. Reciprocal membership between the Gold Coast Library Service and the Albert and Logan Library Board also commenced.
In 1980 the first Mobile Library and the first home library service in the Albert and Logan region commenced operation. By 1982 an additional mobile library had been acquired to reach the northern section of the district. In 1984 the Local History Library was formally established and a small library, known as Currumbin Fair, opened in 1986 in Shop 11 at the Currumbin Fair Shopping Centre on Bienvenue Drive.
On 30 June 1987 the Albert and Logan Library Board disbanded and the two Shire Councils resumed the management of their respective public libraries.
- Albert and Logan Mobile Library, circa 1980s. Photographer unknown
- Helensvale Library, circa 1993. Photographer unknown
- Beenleigh Library, circa 1981. Photographer unknown
- Burleigh Heads Library, early 1990s. Photographer unknown
Following the dissolution of the Library Board, the Albert Shire went on to offer new or improved library services at Beenleigh which included moving the library from James Street to a new building in Crete Street in 1988 as part of a larger cultural complex. In November of the same year, Nerang Library opened, with a Technical Services branch in the basement of the same building, in the former Albert Shire Council Chambers, renamed the Bicentennial Hall.
During the relocation of Beenleigh Library and the establishment of Nerang Library, the Albert Shire were planning new libraries. In 1989 Mudgeeraba Library opened on the corner of Swan Lane and Railway Street. In the same year, Elanora Library opened on the corner of Guineas Creek Road and Coolgardie Street. These libraries were followed by Burleigh Waters (1991), Helensvale (1993) and a collection at Springbrook (1994) housed in the Springbrook State School.
Following the amalgamation of the Albert Shire Council and the Gold Coast City Council in 1995, the library services of two local government areas combined. Further changes took place in 2008 when the northern boundary of the Gold Coast was altered resulting in Beenleigh Library transferring to the care of Logan City Council.
In the years since amalgamation, and in response to the ongoing growth of the Gold Coast, public libraries in the region expanded into new locations and larger buildings. In 1996 a library service was in leased premises in Robina Town Shopping Centre prior to the construction of the Robina Library and Community Centre opposite the shopping centre in 2000. Two years later, in July 2002, the new Southport and Local Studies Library relocated from Australia Fair Shopping Centre into a purpose built library on the corner of Garden and Lawson Streets; a location that positioned it between its first site at the Southport Town Hall and its second site in Lawson Street. In the following year, November 2003, Nerang Library moved from the Bicentennial Hall into a purpose built library incorporating the Special Needs Library on the corner of Price and White Streets.
Improvements to public library services continued with the opening of a purpose built library adjoining the Pines Shopping Centre in Elanora in February 2007 and the refurbishment and extension of Broadbeach Library, formerly the Canal Estates and Mermaid Waters Library, in August 2008. On 14 June 2013 the Upper Coomera Library and Community Centre opened before being followed by the new Helensvale Library and Cultural Centre on 20 July 2013.
Notable dates in the history of the library service
- 1958 Library service started by Gold Coast City Council
- 1961 Coolangatta Library opened
- 1967 Burleigh Heads Library
- 1970 Library service started by Albert Shire Council
- 1970 Woodridge Library opened
- 1974 Mobile library service introduced by Gold Coast City Council
- 1974 Canal Estates Library opened
- 1976 Special Needs Library opened
- 1977 Canal Estates Library relocated to current Broadbeach site
- 1978 Palm Beach library opened
- 1979 Formation of the Albert and Logan Library Board
- 1980 Mobile library service introduced by Albert and Logan Library Board
- 1980 Home library service introduced by Albert and Logan Library Board
- 1982 Public computers introduced by Gold Coast City Council
- 1983 Canal Estates Library renamed Mermaid Waters Library
- 1984 Currumbin Fair Library
- 1984 Local History Library established by Albert and Logan Library Board
- 1986 Currumbin Fair Library opened
- 1987 Disbanding of the Albert and Logan Library Board
- 1987 Cascade Gardens Library opened
- 1988 Nerang Library opened
- 1989 Mudgeeraba Library opened
- 1989 Elanora Library opened
- 1991 Burleigh Waters Library opened
- 1991 Runaway Bay library opened
- 1992 Labrador Library integrates with Runaway Bay Library
- 1993 Helensvale Library opened
- 1995 Amalgamation of Gold Coast and Albert Shire Councils
- 1996 Robina Library opened
- 1997 Local history collections of Albert Shire and Gold Coast combined
- 2000 Current Robina Library opened
- 2002 Current Southport Library opened
- 2003 Current Nerang Library opened
- 2007 Current Elanora Library opened
- 2008 Mermaid Waters Library extended and renamed Broadbeach Library
- 2013 Upper Coomera Library and Community Centre opened
- 2013 Current Helensvale Library and Cultural Centre opened
- 2017 Book Box at Ormeau Centre opened
- 2017 Mudgeeraba Library integrates with Robina Library
- 2018 Libraries open Games Rooms during GC2018 Commonwealth Games
- 2022 Ormeau Community Lounge and Library opened
Sources of information and further reading
- Public Library Practical and Informative Literature, The South Coast Bulletin, 7 May 1958, page 35
- South Coast Public Library An Attractive Range of Books, The South Coast Bulletin, 23 April 1958, page 6
- South Coast Town Council Assistant Librarian, The South Coast Bulletin, 12 February 1958, page 29
- South Coast Town Council, Health Committee Meeting 29 March 1957, page 7582. South Coast Women’s Organisation of Burleigh Heads, Ref. 124438 – Proposed alteration of Rest Room
- South Coast Town Council Statement of Receipts and Disbursements in relation to the budget – nine months ended 31 March, 1957, showing anticipated position at 30 June, 1957
- South Coast Town Council, Report of Health Committee Meeting held on Friday, 12th April, 1957 at 10.00 AM, page 7630
- South Coast Town Council Report of Works Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 2nd May, 1957 at 10.00 AM, page 7678
- South Coast Town Council Report of Works Committee Meeting held on Friday, 31st May May, 1957 at 10.00 AM, page 7766
- South Coast Town Council Notice of the 185th Ordinary Meeting of the Council to be held in the Council Chambers, Southport on Friday, 5th July, 1957 at 2.00 PM, page 7833
- South Coast Town Council Notice of the 19th Ordinary Meeting of the Council held in the Council Chamber, Southport on Friday 21st February, 1958 at 2.00 PM, page 8558
- Gold Coast City Council 20th Annual Report and Financial Statements, 1968-69
- South Coast Town Council, Health Committee Meeting held on 28th February, 1958, page 8653
- Letter dated 21 November 1967 from Mr Jas. L Stapleton, State Librarian, to the Town Clerk of the Gold Coast City Council regarding the extension of library facilities to the Albert Shire
- Letter dated 16 June 1969 from the Albert Shire Council to Mr A. H. Chapple, Secretary of the Logan and District Council of Progress Associations
- Albert Shire Library Service Report of the Month of March, 1979 submitted by Ruth Smith
- Ninth Meeting of the Albert and Logan Library Board, Wednesday 23rd July 1980 at 7.30PM in the Council Chambers, Nerang
- Sixteenth Meeting of the Albert and Logan Library Board, Thursday 24th September 1981 at 7.30PM in the Council Chambers, Nerang
- Ordinary Meeting of the Albert and Logan Library Board, Monday 10th October 1983 at the Beenleigh Memorial Hall
- Ordinary Meeting of the Albert and Logan Library Board, Monday 9th April 1984 at the Beenleigh Memorial Hall
- Letter dated 3 March 1970 from the Albert Shire Town Clerk to Mr E. Briggs, Secretary of the Beenleigh School of Arts
- Albert Shire Minutes of Meeting 26 June 1986
- Albert Shire Minutes of Meeting 27 April 1989
- Albert Shire Minutes of Meeting 15 September 1994
- Albert Shire Council Annual Report 1977-1978
- Albert Shire Council Annual Report 1980-1981
- Albert Shire Council Annual Report 1989-1990
- Albert Shire Council Annual Report 1990-1991
- Gold Coast City Council Annual Report 1973-1974
- Gold Coast City Council Annual Report 2003-2004
- Gold Coast City Council Annual Report 2005-2006
- Gold Coast City Council Annual Report 2006-2007
- Gold Coast City Council Annual Report 2007-2008
- Council of the City of Gold Coast Annual Report 2013-2014
- Gold Coast City Council Forty-Third Annual Report and Financial Statements 1991-1992
- Gold Coast City Council Minutes of Meeting 13 March 1992
- Gold Coast City Council Minutes of Meeting 27 August 1993
- Gold Coast City Council Minutes of Meeting 15 March 1996
- Gold Coast City Council Minutes of Meeting 15 November 2016
- Gold Coast City Council Minutes of Meeting 19 June 1992